This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

nedeľa 11. septembra 2011

We have won the trip to the EP in Brussels

It has been our dream ant it has been fulfilled. The assistants of Peter Slovak are travelling to Brusselts to visit the European Parliament! It is gift for our 2nd place in the competition EPfor YOUth:

štvrtok 30. júna 2011

Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it

Somebody wise and intelligent said: „Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it.“ And it was also the appanage of the MEP Peter Slovák and his assistants. Peter Slovak has done a lot of work he had planned at the beginning of the electoral term together with his assistants Michal Adami, Matúš Kotora and Ján Seneši.
Peter Slovák has been working hard and together with the efforts of other MEPs who are members of the political group Green and co-operating Europe aimed his attention at the hottest green issues and supported a lot of activities joined with the environment and thinks that it is possible to help envinment by supporting campaigns to help nature. His results in this sphere have been great and all his campaigns aimed at nature have brought immediate results, he and his assistants have grown a lot of trees, bushes and flowers and made the environment better place to live.
A lot of other work in the fields of human and children rights have been done by Peter Slovák in the EP. He also aimed his attention at European issues, he was trying to block temporarily enlargement of the EU until the economical situation in the EU is stable, to stiffen up the immigration policy and to eradicate world hunger. These are great results of the politician with great impact in the area of the European Union on its citizens.
The end of the electoral term is the great opportunity to summarize and evaluate all the efforts of work for the European Parliament and all the citizens of the EU and it is necessary to be said it was a really successful term and of course the thanks goes to voters and all the MEPs who were together with Peter Slovak and his assistants trying to do their best. Al the activities of Peter Slovak are mapped in the blog which is considered as the place of the contact with the MEP. Personal meetings and cooperation with his voters have been done in various and numerous campaigns and activities of Peter Slovák.
Peter Slovák and his assistants would like to express their thanks they could take part in this project and improve their knowledge and skills affiliated with European issues, English language and communication. It has been great to cooperate with other MEPs, coordinators of the project and the tutor.It has been our pleasure to be part of such a great project as „EP for youth“ is. We are ready to play a real role in our common home Europe in the future.

utorok 21. júna 2011


We are daily flooded by many car innovations, which fumes are cleaner than your breath and consumption level lower than a lawn-mower. However, history has a strange sense for irony and the trend of hybrid models is only an old idea that has existed for decades and now has just been cleared from the dust.
There are many reasons why to buy a hybrid car. A few reasonable reasons are: economy, global warming, lack of fuel and others. The brand new hybrid cars are considered as a modern reaction to these problems. This brings me to a question:” Can modern hybrid cars be compared to discovering of new worlds?” It could have seen that yes but the truth is far away from the knowledge of the most people.
Already in 1839 the first electricity powered car was constructed whaich had been invented by Robert Anderson. And it was far longer than Benz constructed his first car. About popularity of an idea of electric cars shows even the fact that in historical documents of the UK there were found documents, that declare about using taxi powered only with a small electro-engine and 28 batteries. But technical problems with batteries and existence of good working combustion engine supplied with cheap gas, stopped the developing of this technology.
The gas was the cheap matter until the 70ties when there was the first oil crisis which led people to think about inexhaustibility of fossil fuels. The first ideas considering hybrid cars were coming mostly from the USA. The General Motors (GM) after spending 20 billion USD on research said final verdict that the introduction of electric cars is not possible sooner than in the half of 80ties. Let´s have a look at the closest history. 90ties were full of big mouthed politics with visionary talks about the greener behaviour to the nature. The first real act which we can take as the revolution in the world of hybrids was Toyota Prius introduced to market in 1997.
In following years came with their own versions of hybrids even other automotive producers like Honda – EV Plus, General Motors – EV1 and S-10 and Toyota again with new model RAV4 EV. But these were only 100 pieces of series solled only in California (USA). In 1999 “hit” American market a double door Honda Insight and finally touches the masses. Since then there have been more successfull hybrids.
There are no doubts that the leading front runner in producing the hybride cars is Toyota with its subsidiary Lexus. Both these automotive companies sold together more than 1.7 million hybrid cars from 1997 till 2009.
That is again the USA which tries to give good model and are lowering their oil dependents imports. The plan is to sell 1 million electricity powered cars to year 2015. And the statistics made by Ministry of energetics proves that it is not an exaggerated ambition.
The path to electric cars will not be easy. There are many obstacles standing in its way. One of the biggest is that the people do not have enough information about electric cars and the new technologies are not introduced to them.

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “MEPs´ digital communication with voters"

New technological developments are spreading at an astonishing speed, and the European Parliament aims to keep up with the pace. The main pillars of this strategy are mobility, interoperatibility and connectivity for MEPs in their daily work. More and more ICT conveniences are used in digital communication with thein voters.
According to the Fleishman-Hillard's research the use of Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Digg is used by many MEPs for the communication with their voters. Despite some early adopters, the data shows that only a minority of MEPs have fully grasped the potential of using online technologies to help them engage meaningfully with their electorate. The vast majority of politicians in the European Parliament still use mass media techniques rather than the personal and participatory media of the future. However the direction of travel is clear from the data and when new MEPs take their seats later this year, it is likely that many more will start using online communication techniques which provide inexpensive and limitless ways to reach voters at relevant moments in the right context at the right time.
The survey also concludes that MEPs increasingly are using the Internet to inform their daily legislative work. Public affairs professionals in Brussels need to build digital communications into their public affairs strategies if they are to remain effective advocates for their organizations. The results show that MEPs are using search engine and Wikipedia results to inform their thinking on policy issues. It also concludes that those MEPs who use the Internet in their own communication are more likely to see the Internet as influential in their thinking on policy issues.
Other headline facts revealed by the study are:
• 75% of MEPs use a personal website extensively.
• 93% of MEPs use search engines on a daily basis to understand legislative issues.
• 51% of MEPs visit blogs once a week or more.
• MEPs who are active online are more inclined to rate the internet as crucial to helping them form policy positions than those who are less active.
• 33% of MEPs believe online advertising to be either very effective or effective way to communicate to voters compared to 57% for television advertising.
The MEP Peter Slovak and his assistants use Informationcommunication technologies very often in thein everyday work. They have created thein own blog -
They inform their voters and all the people interested in European issues via their blog about thei activities, they have organized several videoconferences with the public and also have written a big amount of email responses to their voters. They also use You Tube web site to show their contributions during the sessions in the European Parliament. You can see one of the speeches of Matúš Kotora the assistant of the MEP in the EP in Strasbourg in January 2011 at this address - (minute 2:44).
To conclude, the Internet and the ICT helps to contact the MEPs and their voters and enables their better cooperation, The life of the MEPs without the ICTand the Internet is not possible to imagine nowadyas, it plays an important role in MEPs practice.


pondelok 20. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “The assets of the volunteering tour"

The year 2011 was declared the European Year of Volunteering. The fact that the European Union is interested in voluntary work raised our curiosity in this issue. Our curiosity about voluntary work has become even much stronger by the motion „Get mobilised through voluntary work“ by Adam Kunikowski. We have read many articles about voluntary work and have understood how complex and hard for logistics the voluntary work is.
We were discussing the option of getting more information from the ”first hand” with our colleagues – assistants of the MEP Tomáš Hric. We decided to take part in the volunteering tour that was organized in several Slovak towns by three institutes together: Representation of the European Comission, the Information office of the European Parliament and National Agency IUVENTA during the month of May. So, on 19 May 2011, the assistants of Peter Slovák Michal Adami, Matúš Kotora and assistants of Tomáš Hric Zuzana Demeterová and Monika Škvarková decided to search for some further and practical information about volunteering. Thus in the morning all of us went to Nitra, where in the occasion of the Europe Day was occurring the Volunteering tour.
We saw a very nice programme dedicated to volunteering, some interesting interviews with volunteers. We have heard a few nice speeches of volunteer leaders and even the European Union specialists.
We were very positively affected and surprised by the discussion with the representative of the organization the Red Cross Slovakia intended ambassador of voluntary work. He gave us answers on almost every question we had and after that he had a very touching speech on the podium.

Beside other activities there were also many stands dedicated to volunteering activities and the European Year of Volunteering as Inex, YMCA, and Step forward the Red Cross and many others.
There were even stands of non-profitable organizations that help to drug addicted people by providing them safe injections and tools for jolt. At first we thought that this is not the way we would consider as a good way of help to such people but after the discussion with one of the volunteers from that organization I got the point and admitted it is good for them and even for the whole society.
The assistant of the MEP Peter Slovák - Michal Adami stopped at the stand of the Red Cross volunteering organization and tried one of their activities -to pack the present only with one hand to try how the life of handicapped people is hard. He also had a short walk with his eyes bounded using a Braille stick. These are only a few activities that could have been tried there. The assistants of the MEP Peter Slovak have realized how happy they should be only because of the fact that they are healthy people.
The activities of the volunteering tour had a great impact on peope taking part of the tour and have brought them deeper to understanding of the sense of volunteering and contribution of common people all over the world.

sobota 18. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “New technology uprising - No more changing rooms in clothes stores!"

New technology uprising - No more changing rooms in clothes stores!

That could be the trousers that will not belt up. Customers in some of Britain´s top clothing shops may soon find their prospective purchases telling them whether they would be a good fit. The system, which can also be applied to jackets, skirts and almost any other garment, is heralded as the most exciting innovation in retailing in years. It could cut the hours spent trying on clothes that will never fit and, once perfected, could mean the end of the changing room.

A version of technology is already being worked on Marks and Spencer, whose next big sizing survey, the first in more than 10 years, will make use of the latest three-dimensional scanning technology. Mark and Spencer will use the information to determine the shapes of its future clothing and to run a test in which selected customers can use the cards to order bespoke suits and other clothes.

The technology has already been taken further in the United States, with smat cards holding an individual´s scan details being designed to plug into a portable device that shoppers carry round the store with them. The beauty of scanning systems, as opposed to conventional tape measures, is that they detail an individual´s shape as well as their size. “A tape measure may tell you that a lady´s hips are 36 inches, but it tells you nothing about where on her hips the bulk of those inches lies but with a scanner you can see exactly”. Specialist on clothing at MaS said.
The most likely scenario, and one which is already possible, is that the shopper, once scanned, would be given a smart card holding all the information about their body type. That card could be used to guide the customer automatically to the clothes which fitted them best.
It will be possible for shops to go a step further and allow customers to use their smart cards to order tailor´s made clothing. Translating three-dimensional images into two-dimensional clothing patterns is a skill e have lost as traditional tailoring has disappeared. However, it is something clothing manufacturers are going to have to relearn and then automate.
For some customers the prospect of successive pairs of trousers – in sizes that once might have fitted – loudly announcing that they are far too small could turn shopping into a humiliation – but the system is likely to be designed with them in mind. Instead of loudspeakers, customers can choose a small ear-piece, so that their potential trousers, suit or even underwear would not need to talk. They could just whisper softly in the ear.
I think that this technology will help especially to people with very big or small sizes. And it would bring joy even for shopping men, who don´t like it because of stripping off and on in the changing rooms.

streda 15. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “Schengen zone – not for everybody"

Romania and Bulgaria face new delays in their aspirations to join the European Union's borderless travel zone.

The European Union decided, that Bulgaria and Romania will stand out of Schengen zone for now. The EU made this decision despite the fact that both these countries fulfilled required technical standards for incorporation among the countries without border controls.
The decision of EU interior ministers was made during the time of high concerns about illegal immigration and criminality in Europe, which pressured on Schengen system in last weeks.
This decision was made after after EU governments asked for more evidence of Romanian and Bulgarian anti-corruption efforts. The ministers of EU countries rejected Bulgaria and Romania only a day after the European parliament (EP) voted for with statement that both countries are ready to enter the Schengen zone. In their report they reported that both countries fulfilled necessary technical conditions. The European Parliament the entry of both countries to Schengen recommended with addition , that Balkan countries have to take additional measures to fight with illegal immigration.
The decision was stopped by the Netherlands because of the doubts about the ability of protection of external borders of Schengen zone. “ It is to early to accept such an important decisions. It needs to take some time.” said Netherlands minister for immigration Gerd Leers. The Netherlands was not the only state that was against.
Italy has asked in recent months to change the bloc's rules to allow for temporary restoration of internal borders, citing concerns over an influx of illegal immigrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to flee violence in North Africa and the Middle East.
Even Germany and France were not in favour to this matter. They expressed concerns about deficits in area of fighting against corruption and organizing criminality. They said that it is necessary to prove that reforms of judiciary in these 2 countries were effective and irreversible.
European ministers will request of Bulgaria and Romania about association to Schengen zone repeatedly to negotiate in September. So there must be great efforts of Bulgaria and Romania to reach the requirements of the EU, but their hope and will is strong that they will do their best to get to Shengen zone…

utorok 14. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “Is Equality between Men and Women Possible?"

For many years people, especially men, have considered women as less worth human beings. This idea originated already in the oldest periods of our history. Men used to fight, hunt animals and try to find some food. Women had to stay at home, cook and bring up the children. Tomáš Akvinský is the author of the quotation: „A woman was created to help a man, however only in the act of generation, because he can find much better help for any other work elsewhere.“
Throughout the other eras it was the same. Women were requested to serve to men. Men thought women were not able to do anything else apart from staying at home. It was not an easy task for women to oppose against this idea and to prove their qualities. It was impossible to see a woman as a politician, as a businesswoman or in other leading positions. In addition to this, women had no right to vote at first.
As a result of dissatisfaction with that situation and injustice, several women grouped together. They were called ´feminists´. Their main aim was to fight for women´s rights and to achieve the same chances like men had.
At some point of time the situation changed. Women did not want to be a tool of their men anymore. They want to reach independence, improve their education, as well as grow professionally. Finally, they have managed it. And in my opinion, nowadays, men and women are fully equal in our society.
In the first place, women and men have the same rights and opportunities to educate themselves. Both can attend the same schools and universities, where they have exactly the same conditions during their study and the same requests when graduating.
Secondly, when applying for a job, there should be no discrimation. Women are interviewed in the same way like men are. All of them are asked the same questions, everyone has to show his abilities and then they are considered independently of the sex. Later, work duties result from your profession and your position.
Thirdly, the level of salaries does not depend on if you are a woman or a man. Everyone, who is successful and has excellent results, has the chance to be promoted.
Furthermore, many women are famous politicians. They are members of the parliament, ministers, prime ministers, what is more the United Kingdom has the Queen. These women found various organizations and charities. They provide a humanitarian aid. This could be a result of their natural character. Women are more sensitive, percipient and sympathetic. Undoubtedly, they do amazing work.
Last but not least, nowadays it is quite common to see a man on maternity leave instead of a woman. It is a proof that men is willing to stay at home with a child and to let her woman to work and make the professional career.
Finally, there are the rules of proper behaviour in the society. Many of them say about polite manners in the presence of a woman. For instance, a man should open the door for a woman. He should also help her to take off the coat. In addition to this, a man should offer a woman a seat by the table. This would not happen if men were more appreciated than women.
On the other hand, we can also find some points why women and men are not at all equal in our society.
Even though women proved that they are independent, there are some places in the world where their position in society is not so ideal. For example the rights of women are still a big problem in Moslim and African countries.
First of all, these women are not treated very well. Men consider them as they were their property and behave to them in this way.
Secondly, they are told what to do. What is more, they are ordered to whom get married. It is something unimaginable not to be allowed to live with someone you want.
Last but not least, many women are tortured. Lots of men want to show their strength and power and think that to hit a woman is something normal. But definitely, it should be stopped.
Taking everything into account, the present situation is different from the past. Women have succeeded and gained the equality of rights for men and women. In my point of view, it is right. Why should people be categorised according to the sex? Everyone is unique, has his knowledge, abilities, skills, experiences and dreams which he wants to fulfil. Both men and women should have the right to show their qualities and be successful.

utorok 7. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “Everybody gets what he deserves”

“Everybody gets what he deserves”
General Ratko Mladic's ruthlessness was legendary: "Burn their brains!" he once bellowed as his men pounded Sarajevo with artillery fire.
Ratko Mladic, Colonel General, former Commander of the Main Staff of the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) is charged with genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs of the war against Bosnian Muslim, Bosnian Croat and other non-Serb civilians in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 war.
Mostly known for personally leading his troops in the 1995 Serb on slaught against the UN-protected enclave of Srebrenica - where thousands of Muslim men and boys were killed - Mladic was indicted for genocide against the Bosnian town's population. Just hours before the massacre, Mladic handed out lollypops to Muslim children rounded up at the town's square and assured them all would be fine - even patting one child on the head. That sinister image is forever imprinted in the minds of Srebrenica survivors.
Ratko Mladič was born in Bosen village Božinovič in 1942. He became an army officer in Tito´s Yugoslavia. In 1991 when Yugoslavia started collapsing, he led the army against the Croatian forces near the Croatian city, today known as Knin. In May 1992 Bosen-Serbian Parliament decided to form a Bosen-Serbian army and Mladič became its general. He is considered as an initiator of shelling on Sarajevo. “That was Mladič who kept the siege of the Sarajevo for 3 years. Siege under cities he had known well, places where he grew up, where his mother and friends lived. Before he had to retreat, 12 000 people lost their lives in Sarajevo.” These words are from the book – “They wouldn´t hurt a fly”, writtennby Croatian writer and publisher Slavenka Drakuličova.
Mladič led his army during the attack at Muslim enclave Srebrenica in 1995. Srebrenica was then provided as a „safety zone“ by the UN. 40 000 Muslims were hiding there. Serbian forces were shelling Srebrenica for several days. Afterwards Mladič ´s army entered the city, separated men from women and killed no less than 7500 moors aged from 12 to 77 years. Soon after the war Mladič was accused of war crimes.
Mladič was brutal and arrogant, confident about his own military geniality. He didn´t respect anybody, not even the representatives of the international community, neither the commanders of foreign troops. The source of his arrogance grew out his character and his mental situation, he lived in his own mythological world what was noticeable from his public speeches where he used to mix up past and present in one sentence.
After the end of the war Mladič freely and luxuriousl lived in Belehrad thank Svobodan Miloševič the ex-Yugoslavian president. In the 2001 Serbia got under the international pressure to cooperate more with the Hague tribunal, Miloševič was arrested and Mladič disappeared like a ghost.
There were many theories about his shelter, some indications were suggesting that he still lives in Belehrad. There were many speculations about the arrest of Mladič in the past. After the pro-west government came to power in 2008, speculations were more real since the new government was attempting to get to the EU. The EU set as one of the main conditions the arrest Mladič and Karadžič to let this Balcanic country enter the EU.
Again the old wisdom applied: “That one who really wants to achieve something and tries hard, in the end he achieve his aim”. And finally, Mladič was arrested by the Serbian police and extraditabled to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague (ICTY).


NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK "Destruction in Japan - “the wake up” for the western Europe"

The threat associated with the nuclear power plant in Fukushima in Japan is undoubtedly the hottest topic in the world these days. The devastating earthquake in connection with the followed by he tsunami is the subject of the daily debates in the web sites, in television news or radio stations.
Naturally there are many accounts about the nuclear energy and its total safety. Such discussions are especially in countries where nuclear energy is used in the large scale. On 15th March in Brusel Government officials for Energy of European countries experts, representatives of operators of nuclear power and nuclear regulatory officials met at the request of the Commissioner for Energy Günthera Oettinger to discuss thorny issues relating to European nuclear future.
There are 17 nuclear power plants in Germany, and the current Chancellor Angela Merkel, despite considerable opposition, enforced the policy of extending its life for another 12 years, the last of them should be closed in 2035. In the end, after many protests, German government approved closure of all nuclear power plants in the country by 2022.
The situation in France is due to Japan's disaster tense, since the 1970's 75% of energy is produced in 58 nuclear power reactors in 19 power plants across the country. The French are profitably exporting the excess of the energy. They have even plans of renting and selling their power reactors to other countries. Greenpeace, as well as the French Green Party representation in the Parliament are requiring the referendum for French citizens. Greenpeace says that everybody has the right to decide the country ´s dependence on nuclear energy, according to their beliefs.

In the case of Austria the position is easily predictable. Minister of the Environment Nikolaus Berlakovich asked his ministerial colleagues from the EU to accede to so-called "stress tests, nuclear power" - something in the way banks' stress testing, using computer-generated extreme situations.

Slovakian Environment Minister József Nagy commented to the situation: "Nuclear energy is an acceptable green energy, there is the problem only with it´s security. But each technology has its hazards. I do not consider it as a milestone in the energy sector, but maybe a milestone in nuclear energy. We have to learn from it and implement such technologies, which are resistant to similar or even stronger natural effects. "

The future of nuclear energy is defined by two opposing poles: on one face of its advocates gradual elimination and replacement by other technologies and other industrial lobby promoting its existence. It is certain that the situation in Japan should be seen as a wake-up call, and adopt measures that will lead to the greatest possible safety of nuclear power plants.


štvrtok 2. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK "Welcome to the Earth - the home of injustice"

Barack Obama: “Good evening. Tonight I can report to the American people and to the world. The USA has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden - the leader of Al-Quaida.”
So and they killed Osama. Special forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in the town Abbottabad announced the president of the USA Barack Obama. The action was successful thank the intelligence of the bureau and cooperation with Pakistan side. During the action none of the Americans died. Three man and a woman were killed by the special forces beside Osama during the action. America is celebrating, ruffling with flags. The media, nicely to command, are whooping from joy.
If there is something certain in people´s minds, it is that for the attacks from the 11.9. 2011 is responsible Osama bin Laden, the elusive, dark and evil figure that often plays roles in some people´s nightmares just like a spook scaring children.
How do we know that Osama commited the horror of 11st September? We know it because it was told us by credible media. And it becomes a rule that what we hear from the media is everytime 100% truth and generally known fact.
In America before September 11 2001 applied the principle of "innocent until proven guilty". In the world after September 11 2001 has become normal to condemn suspects without trial or without hearing the accused. I think that in the “media courts” without oaths and testimony was hijacked and destroyed justice itself.
Yes, almost all of us saw Laden´s confession in 2004. We could have seen it in nationwide televisions or in interpreted transcripts in all major newspapers. Two-minute segments of these recordings weren´t analyzed by anyone else than experts from NBC News, Fox and CNN. Therefore, nobody doubts that it is bin Laden, who manages global terrorism and who planned and committed terrorist action on 11 September, although almost none of us can translate a single word he said. And although there is no explanation or clarification – not even a small one. How was he actually able to plan 09/11 and defeat U.S. forces, America had convicted him.
Judgement about the greatest crime in the history of America has been made without evidence, testimony, the court or jury. There is nothing to wonder about why the USA consider Osama bin Laden´s death as a significant success. Since the „invincible“ USA was trying to achieve his death nearly for 10 years. I might be too straightforward when I consider detention and following law suit for useless. Let us be honest, at the end he would either ended up dead. Perhaps this quick way of death was better for him than spending weeks in his cell or in courts in front of a jury, trapped like a lion in a cage.
Everybody has to admit that there is at least one positive thing about his death. And that is nothing else than a relief of millions of people, who are now celebrating his death without feeling the guilt.
To sum up, nothing has changed. Until there are people who have a kind of evil inside them there will always exist terrorism and people who are happy for someone´s death. Dalajlama said: “I felt sad when I heard about Osama bin Laden death…”

utorok 31. mája 2011


Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come." - Chinese proverb

Did you know? Forests and wooded land cover 42% of the EU's surface. They provide more than 2 million jobs, protect soil and human settlements and regulate freshwater supplies. Forests act like 'sinks' that absorb carbon dioxide and even regulate local and regional weather. Europe's forests face huge threats from global warming: fires, droughts and forest diseases. Some trees are expected to disappear from certain areas. Can we protect European forests and prepare them for climate change? It is a really difficult question.

The rapid climate change endangers the European forests, extreme events such as storms, forest fires and droughts are expected to become much more common. Some forests type will shrink dramatically, some tree types may disappear in some areas in Europe. Did you know that Beech is expected to disappear in the Mediterranean zone and production of mushrooms and herbs will be drastically reduced throughout Europe. Yes, it is true! And what can we do? A lot!

Read what the assistants of the MEP Peter Slovák did to support the environment on 20th May 2011 - the day which is dedicated to Biological Diversity and also all the year 2011 is the International Year of Forests. They realized it is time to act, so they visited all the schools in the town of Levice and informed the students about the special day of 20th May.

The MEP´s assistants joined online ENO Programme which invited schools all over the world to celebrate this event by planting trees. Together with their schoolmates the MEP´s asistants planted several trees in the area of their school. This act has contributed for our environment by planted trees and made young people think of their future. These young people have understood the more they care for their nature, the better life conditions they can expect in the future.

A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love... he who plants trees gathers future...

utorok 17. mája 2011


The more a man wants to feel comfort, the more he needs to invent. The more he invents, the more he produces. The more he produces, the more he pollutes. Since the industrial revolution the mankind has been coming up with new technologies, which effected nature more seriously with every innovation.

The main evil standing behind this is toxic waste. Not the thing itself, but the way people think about it, how they handle it. By people I mean the companies and countries that are profiting before creating it in the first place, but later, when its time to make expenses to take care of it they act like it has nothing to do with them.

EU estimates its yearly production of waste for around 1,3 billion tons of which 40 million tons is toxic waste. Percentually it doesn't look horrifying, but the total amount of toxicity is alarming. Another concerning fact is categorizing of toxic waste. Just think of asbestos classified as highly poisonous and forbidden substance. Working on it's removal is not yet finished, even after decades of effort. If a wide-spread substance now considered harmless gets on a list of those, which are dangerous it will shatter all statistics. On the other hand, technologies are being developed to more carefully and effectively process toxic waste. That is at least one thing that allows us not to be pessimistic over perspectives of our environment.

Massive industrialization and economic growth of China and India brings up gloomy prognosis. Promised effort of these Asian giants to catch up with western world in economical efficiency and living standard brings also other questions. Are these countries able and willing to care about their waste responsibly? Every year the amount of toxic waste grows proportionally with its GDP. China became the industrial workshop for Western countries in last two decades.

The world economy has its own self protecting mechanisms. However, they do not seem sufficient. Roughly estimated 170 countries have signed (lot of them still hasn't ratified) Basel convention from 1989, which forbids exporting the toxic waste to the territory of signatory states without their permission or without the ability to process it safely.

The addition from year 1995 has toughened the statutes by directly prohibiting the export of toxic waste to developing countries. And still it hasn't covered up each hole in convention. EU has pledged in Lomé Convention not to export it's toxic waste to Africa. Along with that, states of Africa have committed in Bamako Convention in 1991 to refuse such offers.

Many of developing countries though do not want to give up their opportunity to process each category of waste from richer west, including toxic. They often guarantee, that they are technically able to do that, without having moral remorse when not fulfilling those guarantees. That applies not only to the poorest countries in equator Africa, but also India.

India has a long-term tradition in disposing waste, imported on huge cargo ships, in docks of Alang, state Gujarat. Local docks specialize on scraping old ships and are achieving global importance. Thousands of Indians found jobs there, which is to often take apart large wrecks by hands. These wrecks are full of various toxic substances. Different kinds of shipped garbage are transported to near areas, where hundreds of another companies and thousands of unqualified men, women and children deal with sorting the waste.

When western countries import waste to developing countries to put it on dumps, just to make it happen, they cover it with purpose of recycling to legalize it. It sound clever, ecological and in accordance with resolutions about keeping economic growth. There is a competition between China and India, and even African countries for earning opportunities from recycling. Even if they know, what they are not able to handle, will end up on illegal dumps.

This issue has no short-term solutions and economically developed countries will face a dilemma, whether or not putting their toxic waste away easily and cheaply by exporting it to developing world. More challenging and more expensive alternative is aiming on real recycling at home and even in developing overseas countries. Recycling business is predestined to grow. Even companies from smaller states can participate, including Slovakia, especially when they come up with technological innovations and new practical concepts.

nedeľa 15. mája 2011

On 12 May 2011 assistants of the MEP Peter Slovák, students of Business Academy in Levice Slovakia together with their partners had a videoconference. They aimed their attention at volunteering. They prepared a great and rich programme:

PROGRAMME of the videoconference:

1. Presentation : BE VOLUNTEER

2. Presentation and discussion: VOLUNTEERING


4. Film made by Slovak students about women and volunteering

5. Support to suffering people after the earhquake and tzunami in Japan

6. Discussion

7. Conclusion

Discussing came to this conclusion -

volunteering is a great kind of an academy to learn about life and its hardships. Volunteer work doesn’t offer and wages to volunteer, and that’s why you can not push people into this. But i tis true, the more you volunteer and help other, the more life credits you will get. Volunteering is a great thing which makes us better people willing to help. Who knows, when we will need help and if somebody helps us it will be great! This is what volunteering is about!!!

pondelok 25. apríla 2011


THE ASSISTANTS OF THE MEP decided to help children in the town Levice and organize the collection of toys and books for the children who come from poor families or live in orphanages.
They collected a big amount of toys and books and speread happines among these children and made them happy :)


The Earth Day
In 1963, former Senator of the USA Gaylord Nelson began to worry about our planet. He wondered why more people weren't trying to solve these problems. He talked to other lawmakers and to the President. They decided that the President would go around the country and tell people about these concerns. He did, but still not enough people were working on the problem. Then, in 1969, Senator Nelson had another idea. He decided to have a special day to teach everyone about the things that needed changing in our environment. He wrote letters to all of the colleges and put a special article in Scholastic Magazine to tell them about the special day he had planned.
Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment,it was first held on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on the United States, it became international in 1990 and there were organized events in 141 nations. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues.
People all over the world make promises to help the environment. Everyone got involved and since then, Earth Day has spread all over the planet. People all over the world know that there are problems we need to work on and this is our special day to look at the planet and see what needs changing. Isn't it great?
One person had an idea and kept working until everyone began working together to solve it. See what happens when people care about our world – our planet will be greener and also healthier. A Levice organized on Earth Day ssistants of the MEP Peter Slovák – Michal Adami and Matúš Kotora organized interesting activities for pupils of 4th Elementary school in their home town Levice. There were a lot of various and interesting activities organized for these children.
The pupils were doing activities to clean their environment, they were picking the litter around their school and surroundings, they were learning about separating and reusing the litter, they learnt about the recycling process and much more. They learnt a lot of new information about our planet, fauna, flora, environment issues and what kills our nature. There were a lot of competitions and knowledge quizes organized for pupils, children were painting environmental pictures on the pavements.
Both assistants of the MEP Peter Slovák and Elementary school pupils were glad to organize this great event and it is sure they did something good for their planet, environment they live in. They made first steps to help our planet to become healthier.


The best things in life are free…
Who pleasure gives, shall joy receive…
Think about being a volunteer! There are several definitions of volunteering and a volunteer itself. Generaly a volunteer (latin - voluntarious – willing) is a person who invests his free time, energy, knowledge and abilities to do some kind of activity without being paid for it. Reward for volunteering is spiritual, what means that a volunteer gets the character and professional growth, good feelings, sometimes new friendships and life experiences.
You can be a volunteer almost everywhere, you can help people in your neighbourhood, the area where you live or work, anywhere. For example, you can help your sick neighbour with shopping, tidying up in front of your flat, house or in the park. Everybody has abilities and energy to do some kind of voluntary activity. It depends only on how willing and able the person is to do a certain service.
Another way of voluntary activities are organized by the non-governmental, public and non- profitable organizations or schools and churches. So that we can divide volunteering into severel categories:
• Volutary activities: various irregular activities of people for various organizations based on verbal agreement.
• Voluntary services: activities with clear time bounds, aim, content, tasks, legislation and social protection based on verbal or written agreement.
• Voluntary self-help: mutual help beetwen neighbours, group of children and youth and interest groups that is based on reciprocal agreement out of the organization.
Voluntary organizations are organizations that are based on voluntary work and cannot operate without volunterees. Voluntary organizations engage various types of areas of voluntering according to aimed groups for example: social culture, ecology tasks and so on. Then they are devided according to local, regional, national and worldwide level and according to time of the activity it could be one-shot, regular longterm or occasional co-operation. Based on the aimed group and area of work they make conditions and rules collaborating with volunteers. Altogether they organize volunteersthemselves and thein activities. The perfect example of voluntary organization is GREENPEACE.
There are barriers of volunteering. Voluntary work and activities are still realized by our public as something special. The main barrier of developing the voluntary work is passivity during searching and gaining volunteers. Some other barriers are:
bad or not sufficient organization of volunteers, no demand for volunteers, concerns from injury, load pattern and much more..
And what supports volunteers? There are a lot of supporting moments:
• They have feeling that they are evaluating
• They have hope for a change and progress
• They gain appreciation from public either personally
• They realize that they help mean something
• They have feeling of fellowship and teamwork

• And much more...
In these times of wars,world hunger,natural disasters etc. necessity for voluntary work is much more noticable than in the past. This is what the EU realizes and set the year 2011 as the European Year of Volunteering. The EU is trying to mobilize people by doing campaigns which inform how to become a volunteer and what advangates the status of the volunteer has. If you are able and have a chance to do some voluntary work – try it. You will see that even the good feeling of helping someone is worth it! The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.

utorok 29. marca 2011


Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. That blood can only come from a volunteer donor, a person like me oryou who makes the choice to donate. There is no substitute for your donation. Blood donations help millions of patients in need. To make the journey from “arm to arm,” every unit goes through series of steps and tests to ensure that it is as safe as can be.
When you make a blood donation, you join a very select group. Currently only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood. In Slovakia is the situation a little bit better. Blood donation has a long tradition in Slovakia. From its beginning, the organisation Red Cross has formed a community of service, of generous, strong and decent people bound by beliefs beyond themselves. The Red Cross blood donor embodies this principle.
Benefits of volunteering
• You will feel great knowing you are making a difference.
• You will meet donors and hear why they give blood or how blood transfusions have touched their lives. It may change your own.
• You can do good on your own schedule, volunteer as much as and as often as your schedule permits.
• You will enjoy flexible locations and times.
• You will become part of a 125-year-old tradition of neighbours helping neighbours in need.
We depend on volunteers
Volunteers constitute 96 percent of our total work force to carry on our humanitarian work:
• Every year the Red Cross responds to many disasters—including home fires every day.
• A lot of people turn to us to learn first aid, CPR, swimming, and other health and safety skills. Last year, several hundreds of people volunteered to teach those courses.
• Several volunteers serve as chairs, members of boards of directors, or on advisory boards for local Red Cross units - chapters, Blood Services regions


This was a great idea of the MEP Peter Slovák´s assistants to otganise donation of their and their schoolmates´blood. Ten of them went to the hosptal and they donated the blood. They are sure their blood will save life several people who need it :)

nedeľa 27. marca 2011



THE NEW ARTICLE - "Continuing avalanche of subversions in Africa "

Winds of change - Protests for change have rocked countries across the region of North Africa and the Middle East
Recently there have been a lot of movements in several countries of North Africa and the Middle East oriented on the changes of the regimes of these countries. There were violent clashes in Cairo between opponents and supporters of the president Hosni Mubarak as the Egyptian government rejected international calls for the leader to end his 30-year-rule immediately. Now Egypt has a temporal government and Egyptian people are trying to constitute more democratic government. The similar situation is also in other North African countries.
The political situation has become the most acute in Libya. Libya was one of the poorest countries in the world until the discovery of huge reservoirs of oil and gas resources in 1958 which ejected Lybia ´ s ecomomy by rocket speed. Now Libya belongs to one of the richest states in Africa and it is the 4th biggest supplier of the oil worldwide.
The state establishment in Libya is unique, it is called džamáhíríja from the arabic word „džumhúríja“ what means republic. The creator of this establishment is a Libyan leader Muammar Kaddáfí who insists that džamáhíríja gives power to people and hinders the dictature in the same time. The most of critics say that Libya is in fact a military dictature under Kaddafi ´s command and Džamahíríja is only a fig leaf to cover the rule of one person. Of course, a lot of common people in Libya who think more democratically, call for new leadership and democratic elections.
The uprising began as a series of protests and confrontations on 15 February 2011. Kaddafi responded with military force and other such measures as censorship and blocking of communications. With his soldiers across the country defecting, Kaddafi recruited foreign volunteers to supplement his forces. Furthermore, many executions of mutinying soldiers have been reported. Although Kaddafi offered talks with opposition leaders through a chief envoy, the rebels clarified that they were unwilling to negotiate with him, and demanded his resignation. The conflict has grown to bloody dimension, there have been hundreds of victims so the world leaders from the EU and NATO have started to act.
The world public has two different points of view on these efforts and it is divided into two opposing groups.
The supporters of the international action say it should be the speedy, decisive international action to protect civilians in Libya. They have hailed the UN Council resolution for its affirmation of the international community’s responsibility to protect civilians when they are being attacked by their own government.
On the other hand, there is the second group of the world´s public who thinks that every country has its own way and development. The situation in Libya seems like the civil war which should be solved by Libya itself. These people realize that situation in Libya is critical but every nation has the right for its own history and future. If they do not want help from other countries, it is their decision. Why do allies help to revolutionaries? Who gave them right for that? Can they quarantee that democracy in Libya will work? The most of Lybian nation acts like one corpus these days only because they fight against one man. Normally they are divided into many tribes that cannot cooperate and fight against each other. What if Muammar Kaddáfí is just a shepherd of the horde and without him would Libya affect anarchy?
The intervention has begun – „cards are passed out“ just time will tell, if it was good or bad for Libyan nation...


nedeľa 20. marca 2011


There is written in Bible: Matthew 10:42 - "And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward." And led by this idea the MEP Peter Slovák and his assistants had decided to organize an interesting, humanitarian and helping volunteer activity at their school called THE BRICK FOR AFRICA in the cooperation with the christian association SAVIO. ON 18 March 2011 they were selling plastic bracelets and mobile phone apendages to raise money. The aim of this activity is to raise money for building wells with drinking water in Africa and especially in South Sudan where there is the worst situation with drinking water. Students have raised 63.65€. This amount of the money was sent to the association SAVIO and it will be transfered to Africa to help people who are in need of drinking water.
1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. 1 out of 6 people in this world live without access to clean drinking water. 80% of all diseases like diarrhea, typhoid and parasites are linked to lack of clean drinking water. Lack of clean water has killed more people than the war. Clean drinking water is something we take for granted in the developed world, but in one-sixth of the world's population it is a big problem. Clean drinking water is not just about life or death, it could also affect the ability to earn income or go to school. Many people, especially in Africa, walk hours just to get a couple of gallons of drinkable water, losing countless hours a week they could be going to school or earning income.
In addition, even the water they are able to get may look clean, but have harmful microbes that can cause disease, and even death, especially among young children. And when someone does get sick from unclean drinking water, the sickness reverberates into the entire community. Imagine a 9 year-old child who misses 3 months of school because of contracting dysentary. Or a 24 year-old man, the head of his household, who can't work because of typhoid. This is not to mention all the deaths that occur to due unclean water. Communities in developing countries also tend to be more interdependent than modern societies. As a result, when one person or one family is affected by disease caused by unclean drinking water, it affects the entire community. Additionally, you need clean drinking water for basic sanitation. Imagine a world where you don't have the clean water you need to wash your hands every time you go to the bathroom ... how many times a day is that? Also, imagine not having the clean water you need to wash your dishes after a meal ... how many dishes is that a day? This is not to mention the clean water needed for washing clothes and bathing. And all of these problems will be exponentially increased by the coming climate change that will hurt the world's poor the most, especially in this area of clean water.

NEW ARTICLE - "Even democracy has some unavoidably handicaps..."

The human mankind has had a long history. There were some good and bad historical periods and affairs but we can surely say that each period, even a small fact in the past has had a huge impact on present . The citation by G. Mann „Presence is present only thanks to past“ is really true and it is very important to know past so we can avoid mistakes from past and have better future.
The origin of the idea of the „rightward extremism“ reaches to the year 1889 when Adolf Hitler, coming „führer“ of the Third empire was born. As all of us know, this man caused a lot of pain and death when he was alive and unfortunately, even after his physical death , he is still alive in the minds of thousands of people who believe and continue in his ideas. This group of people is called rightward extremists.
Let´s define what kind of person we can allocate the mark „rightward extremist“. The right determination is very important because in these days people do not see the difference beetwen extreme in meaning of outclassing normal and extremistic. The extreme opinion or fact does not have to be either extremistic. We can basically qualify extremism as a journalistic and politic concept. For extremism we can consider policy and activities outgoing from the ideology against democracy. It is the direct and even indirect aspiration to substitude democracy with the totalitarian regime or dictature. Extremism directly depends on consolidation and condition in community in which makes itself felt. In opinion of some authors extremism is the product of democracy. Because democracy does not have enough effective defensive mechanisms to guard against all what lays in its way. If it has all these mechanisms, it will become the dictature.

We can simply discribe extremism as a verbal, gestured, psyhical or other activities connected to reserved ideology which is developed by individuals or groups of people with opinions remote from generaly accepted social norms - the attitude to evidently elements of intoleration especially racist, national, religion or other intolerance.

In Slovakia we differ two types of subjects belonging to rightward extremist:
The first types are officially registered groups which „on surface“ try to make the feeling like they follow all the laws and are attempting acquire adminicle of public by anti Roma ideas. For example political group Ľudová strana – Naše Slovensko (ĽS – NS) which is in corpore new name for soluted political group Slovenská pospolitosť (SP). This new formed political group placed aside the open manifestation of antisemitism , sympathizes with totalitarianism and using of uniforms.
The second types operating intro rightward extremist are unregistered groupments, without the formal structure and are based on concept leaderless resistance. They are bad organised but they can invoke terror in the streets and public is afraid of them a lot. Their members are often grouped under the fan clubs called ultras. Ultras are ones, who do the noise and make fights and vandalism on sports events, mostly football matches.

Victims of rightward extremists are generally people with different colour of skin,nationality, even a look and people on the edge of the community like homeless people and narcomaniacs. Many times happens that victims are also people who try to defence victims of their attack or do not agree with them. Their characteristic way of attack is the quick aggresion on ascrifice by outnumbering. They frequently use weapons like knives and boxers. Their freetime activities are often bodybuilding or some kind of martial arts.

All in all, rightward extremism was, is and will be a part of every democratic form of government and the only issue is to keep it on nondangerous level and lead next generation to toleration in community.


streda 16. marca 2011


11 March 2011 - this date will remain fear and tears to every inhabitant of Japan for many years. On Saturday 5:31 of local time a big earthquake with the magnitude of 9,0 of the Richter scale hit the area in the Pacific ocean near Northeastern Japanesse coast. After series of earthquakes that were notable even in Tokio tsunami appeared which does not take long to turn up. Tsunami hit Japanesse Norheastern coast including Onamaha city in Fukishima prefecture. The meteorogical agency issued a warning from 8-10 metres high tsunami beforehand, so that most people were evacuated from the hit area just in time. Still not final result of the earthquake and following massive tsunami is 4,300 of dead and counting 11,000 missing. There is the next menace of the nuclear explosion in the Nuclear powerplant Fukushima 4,5,6. The damages of ponderables for Japan can be more than 142 billion euros (€). Yet after 5 days we cannot predict how significant consequences it will have to world economy.

Unentered sources say that this particular series of earthquakes in Japan were predicted by a Russian scientist in 1996 and the goverment of Japan did know about it. The earthquake in Japan has been (magnitude of 9,0 of the Richter scale) one of the strongest earthquakes measured from 1900 worldwide.

Not everybody thinks that this earthquake was natural. There is the theory about „earthquake machine“ called HAARP which is the property of the USA. Some people believe that this earthquake was aimed at the economy of Japan. What is HAARP? Simply and shortly it is about sending millions of wats microwaves to the ionosphere of the atmosphere which is heaten up by this wats and consequently makes an energetic returns which evocates an earthquake. This is only a part of the HAAEP options you can find more about this machine in enclosed video reference

So it is up to you to make the conclusion – Was it a natural disaster or demonstration of power...?
