This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

nedeľa 27. marca 2011

THE NEW ARTICLE - "Continuing avalanche of subversions in Africa "

Winds of change - Protests for change have rocked countries across the region of North Africa and the Middle East
Recently there have been a lot of movements in several countries of North Africa and the Middle East oriented on the changes of the regimes of these countries. There were violent clashes in Cairo between opponents and supporters of the president Hosni Mubarak as the Egyptian government rejected international calls for the leader to end his 30-year-rule immediately. Now Egypt has a temporal government and Egyptian people are trying to constitute more democratic government. The similar situation is also in other North African countries.
The political situation has become the most acute in Libya. Libya was one of the poorest countries in the world until the discovery of huge reservoirs of oil and gas resources in 1958 which ejected Lybia ´ s ecomomy by rocket speed. Now Libya belongs to one of the richest states in Africa and it is the 4th biggest supplier of the oil worldwide.
The state establishment in Libya is unique, it is called džamáhíríja from the arabic word „džumhúríja“ what means republic. The creator of this establishment is a Libyan leader Muammar Kaddáfí who insists that džamáhíríja gives power to people and hinders the dictature in the same time. The most of critics say that Libya is in fact a military dictature under Kaddafi ´s command and Džamahíríja is only a fig leaf to cover the rule of one person. Of course, a lot of common people in Libya who think more democratically, call for new leadership and democratic elections.
The uprising began as a series of protests and confrontations on 15 February 2011. Kaddafi responded with military force and other such measures as censorship and blocking of communications. With his soldiers across the country defecting, Kaddafi recruited foreign volunteers to supplement his forces. Furthermore, many executions of mutinying soldiers have been reported. Although Kaddafi offered talks with opposition leaders through a chief envoy, the rebels clarified that they were unwilling to negotiate with him, and demanded his resignation. The conflict has grown to bloody dimension, there have been hundreds of victims so the world leaders from the EU and NATO have started to act.
The world public has two different points of view on these efforts and it is divided into two opposing groups.
The supporters of the international action say it should be the speedy, decisive international action to protect civilians in Libya. They have hailed the UN Council resolution for its affirmation of the international community’s responsibility to protect civilians when they are being attacked by their own government.
On the other hand, there is the second group of the world´s public who thinks that every country has its own way and development. The situation in Libya seems like the civil war which should be solved by Libya itself. These people realize that situation in Libya is critical but every nation has the right for its own history and future. If they do not want help from other countries, it is their decision. Why do allies help to revolutionaries? Who gave them right for that? Can they quarantee that democracy in Libya will work? The most of Lybian nation acts like one corpus these days only because they fight against one man. Normally they are divided into many tribes that cannot cooperate and fight against each other. What if Muammar Kaddáfí is just a shepherd of the horde and without him would Libya affect anarchy?
The intervention has begun – „cards are passed out“ just time will tell, if it was good or bad for Libyan nation...


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