This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

štvrtok 30. júna 2011

Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it

Somebody wise and intelligent said: „Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it.“ And it was also the appanage of the MEP Peter Slovák and his assistants. Peter Slovak has done a lot of work he had planned at the beginning of the electoral term together with his assistants Michal Adami, Matúš Kotora and Ján Seneši.
Peter Slovák has been working hard and together with the efforts of other MEPs who are members of the political group Green and co-operating Europe aimed his attention at the hottest green issues and supported a lot of activities joined with the environment and thinks that it is possible to help envinment by supporting campaigns to help nature. His results in this sphere have been great and all his campaigns aimed at nature have brought immediate results, he and his assistants have grown a lot of trees, bushes and flowers and made the environment better place to live.
A lot of other work in the fields of human and children rights have been done by Peter Slovák in the EP. He also aimed his attention at European issues, he was trying to block temporarily enlargement of the EU until the economical situation in the EU is stable, to stiffen up the immigration policy and to eradicate world hunger. These are great results of the politician with great impact in the area of the European Union on its citizens.
The end of the electoral term is the great opportunity to summarize and evaluate all the efforts of work for the European Parliament and all the citizens of the EU and it is necessary to be said it was a really successful term and of course the thanks goes to voters and all the MEPs who were together with Peter Slovak and his assistants trying to do their best. Al the activities of Peter Slovak are mapped in the blog which is considered as the place of the contact with the MEP. Personal meetings and cooperation with his voters have been done in various and numerous campaigns and activities of Peter Slovák.
Peter Slovák and his assistants would like to express their thanks they could take part in this project and improve their knowledge and skills affiliated with European issues, English language and communication. It has been great to cooperate with other MEPs, coordinators of the project and the tutor.It has been our pleasure to be part of such a great project as „EP for youth“ is. We are ready to play a real role in our common home Europe in the future.

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