This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

utorok 14. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “Is Equality between Men and Women Possible?"

For many years people, especially men, have considered women as less worth human beings. This idea originated already in the oldest periods of our history. Men used to fight, hunt animals and try to find some food. Women had to stay at home, cook and bring up the children. Tomáš Akvinský is the author of the quotation: „A woman was created to help a man, however only in the act of generation, because he can find much better help for any other work elsewhere.“
Throughout the other eras it was the same. Women were requested to serve to men. Men thought women were not able to do anything else apart from staying at home. It was not an easy task for women to oppose against this idea and to prove their qualities. It was impossible to see a woman as a politician, as a businesswoman or in other leading positions. In addition to this, women had no right to vote at first.
As a result of dissatisfaction with that situation and injustice, several women grouped together. They were called ´feminists´. Their main aim was to fight for women´s rights and to achieve the same chances like men had.
At some point of time the situation changed. Women did not want to be a tool of their men anymore. They want to reach independence, improve their education, as well as grow professionally. Finally, they have managed it. And in my opinion, nowadays, men and women are fully equal in our society.
In the first place, women and men have the same rights and opportunities to educate themselves. Both can attend the same schools and universities, where they have exactly the same conditions during their study and the same requests when graduating.
Secondly, when applying for a job, there should be no discrimation. Women are interviewed in the same way like men are. All of them are asked the same questions, everyone has to show his abilities and then they are considered independently of the sex. Later, work duties result from your profession and your position.
Thirdly, the level of salaries does not depend on if you are a woman or a man. Everyone, who is successful and has excellent results, has the chance to be promoted.
Furthermore, many women are famous politicians. They are members of the parliament, ministers, prime ministers, what is more the United Kingdom has the Queen. These women found various organizations and charities. They provide a humanitarian aid. This could be a result of their natural character. Women are more sensitive, percipient and sympathetic. Undoubtedly, they do amazing work.
Last but not least, nowadays it is quite common to see a man on maternity leave instead of a woman. It is a proof that men is willing to stay at home with a child and to let her woman to work and make the professional career.
Finally, there are the rules of proper behaviour in the society. Many of them say about polite manners in the presence of a woman. For instance, a man should open the door for a woman. He should also help her to take off the coat. In addition to this, a man should offer a woman a seat by the table. This would not happen if men were more appreciated than women.
On the other hand, we can also find some points why women and men are not at all equal in our society.
Even though women proved that they are independent, there are some places in the world where their position in society is not so ideal. For example the rights of women are still a big problem in Moslim and African countries.
First of all, these women are not treated very well. Men consider them as they were their property and behave to them in this way.
Secondly, they are told what to do. What is more, they are ordered to whom get married. It is something unimaginable not to be allowed to live with someone you want.
Last but not least, many women are tortured. Lots of men want to show their strength and power and think that to hit a woman is something normal. But definitely, it should be stopped.
Taking everything into account, the present situation is different from the past. Women have succeeded and gained the equality of rights for men and women. In my point of view, it is right. Why should people be categorised according to the sex? Everyone is unique, has his knowledge, abilities, skills, experiences and dreams which he wants to fulfil. Both men and women should have the right to show their qualities and be successful.

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