This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

nedeľa 20. marca 2011

NEW ARTICLE - "Even democracy has some unavoidably handicaps..."

The human mankind has had a long history. There were some good and bad historical periods and affairs but we can surely say that each period, even a small fact in the past has had a huge impact on present . The citation by G. Mann „Presence is present only thanks to past“ is really true and it is very important to know past so we can avoid mistakes from past and have better future.
The origin of the idea of the „rightward extremism“ reaches to the year 1889 when Adolf Hitler, coming „führer“ of the Third empire was born. As all of us know, this man caused a lot of pain and death when he was alive and unfortunately, even after his physical death , he is still alive in the minds of thousands of people who believe and continue in his ideas. This group of people is called rightward extremists.
Let´s define what kind of person we can allocate the mark „rightward extremist“. The right determination is very important because in these days people do not see the difference beetwen extreme in meaning of outclassing normal and extremistic. The extreme opinion or fact does not have to be either extremistic. We can basically qualify extremism as a journalistic and politic concept. For extremism we can consider policy and activities outgoing from the ideology against democracy. It is the direct and even indirect aspiration to substitude democracy with the totalitarian regime or dictature. Extremism directly depends on consolidation and condition in community in which makes itself felt. In opinion of some authors extremism is the product of democracy. Because democracy does not have enough effective defensive mechanisms to guard against all what lays in its way. If it has all these mechanisms, it will become the dictature.

We can simply discribe extremism as a verbal, gestured, psyhical or other activities connected to reserved ideology which is developed by individuals or groups of people with opinions remote from generaly accepted social norms - the attitude to evidently elements of intoleration especially racist, national, religion or other intolerance.

In Slovakia we differ two types of subjects belonging to rightward extremist:
The first types are officially registered groups which „on surface“ try to make the feeling like they follow all the laws and are attempting acquire adminicle of public by anti Roma ideas. For example political group Ľudová strana – Naše Slovensko (ĽS – NS) which is in corpore new name for soluted political group Slovenská pospolitosť (SP). This new formed political group placed aside the open manifestation of antisemitism , sympathizes with totalitarianism and using of uniforms.
The second types operating intro rightward extremist are unregistered groupments, without the formal structure and are based on concept leaderless resistance. They are bad organised but they can invoke terror in the streets and public is afraid of them a lot. Their members are often grouped under the fan clubs called ultras. Ultras are ones, who do the noise and make fights and vandalism on sports events, mostly football matches.

Victims of rightward extremists are generally people with different colour of skin,nationality, even a look and people on the edge of the community like homeless people and narcomaniacs. Many times happens that victims are also people who try to defence victims of their attack or do not agree with them. Their characteristic way of attack is the quick aggresion on ascrifice by outnumbering. They frequently use weapons like knives and boxers. Their freetime activities are often bodybuilding or some kind of martial arts.

All in all, rightward extremism was, is and will be a part of every democratic form of government and the only issue is to keep it on nondangerous level and lead next generation to toleration in community.


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