This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

nedeľa 15. mája 2011

On 12 May 2011 assistants of the MEP Peter Slovák, students of Business Academy in Levice Slovakia together with their partners had a videoconference. They aimed their attention at volunteering. They prepared a great and rich programme:

PROGRAMME of the videoconference:

1. Presentation : BE VOLUNTEER

2. Presentation and discussion: VOLUNTEERING


4. Film made by Slovak students about women and volunteering

5. Support to suffering people after the earhquake and tzunami in Japan

6. Discussion

7. Conclusion

Discussing came to this conclusion -

volunteering is a great kind of an academy to learn about life and its hardships. Volunteer work doesn’t offer and wages to volunteer, and that’s why you can not push people into this. But i tis true, the more you volunteer and help other, the more life credits you will get. Volunteering is a great thing which makes us better people willing to help. Who knows, when we will need help and if somebody helps us it will be great! This is what volunteering is about!!!

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