This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

streda 15. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “Schengen zone – not for everybody"

Romania and Bulgaria face new delays in their aspirations to join the European Union's borderless travel zone.

The European Union decided, that Bulgaria and Romania will stand out of Schengen zone for now. The EU made this decision despite the fact that both these countries fulfilled required technical standards for incorporation among the countries without border controls.
The decision of EU interior ministers was made during the time of high concerns about illegal immigration and criminality in Europe, which pressured on Schengen system in last weeks.
This decision was made after after EU governments asked for more evidence of Romanian and Bulgarian anti-corruption efforts. The ministers of EU countries rejected Bulgaria and Romania only a day after the European parliament (EP) voted for with statement that both countries are ready to enter the Schengen zone. In their report they reported that both countries fulfilled necessary technical conditions. The European Parliament the entry of both countries to Schengen recommended with addition , that Balkan countries have to take additional measures to fight with illegal immigration.
The decision was stopped by the Netherlands because of the doubts about the ability of protection of external borders of Schengen zone. “ It is to early to accept such an important decisions. It needs to take some time.” said Netherlands minister for immigration Gerd Leers. The Netherlands was not the only state that was against.
Italy has asked in recent months to change the bloc's rules to allow for temporary restoration of internal borders, citing concerns over an influx of illegal immigrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to flee violence in North Africa and the Middle East.
Even Germany and France were not in favour to this matter. They expressed concerns about deficits in area of fighting against corruption and organizing criminality. They said that it is necessary to prove that reforms of judiciary in these 2 countries were effective and irreversible.
European ministers will request of Bulgaria and Romania about association to Schengen zone repeatedly to negotiate in September. So there must be great efforts of Bulgaria and Romania to reach the requirements of the EU, but their hope and will is strong that they will do their best to get to Shengen zone…

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