This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

štvrtok 2. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK "Welcome to the Earth - the home of injustice"

Barack Obama: “Good evening. Tonight I can report to the American people and to the world. The USA has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden - the leader of Al-Quaida.”
So and they killed Osama. Special forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in the town Abbottabad announced the president of the USA Barack Obama. The action was successful thank the intelligence of the bureau and cooperation with Pakistan side. During the action none of the Americans died. Three man and a woman were killed by the special forces beside Osama during the action. America is celebrating, ruffling with flags. The media, nicely to command, are whooping from joy.
If there is something certain in people´s minds, it is that for the attacks from the 11.9. 2011 is responsible Osama bin Laden, the elusive, dark and evil figure that often plays roles in some people´s nightmares just like a spook scaring children.
How do we know that Osama commited the horror of 11st September? We know it because it was told us by credible media. And it becomes a rule that what we hear from the media is everytime 100% truth and generally known fact.
In America before September 11 2001 applied the principle of "innocent until proven guilty". In the world after September 11 2001 has become normal to condemn suspects without trial or without hearing the accused. I think that in the “media courts” without oaths and testimony was hijacked and destroyed justice itself.
Yes, almost all of us saw Laden´s confession in 2004. We could have seen it in nationwide televisions or in interpreted transcripts in all major newspapers. Two-minute segments of these recordings weren´t analyzed by anyone else than experts from NBC News, Fox and CNN. Therefore, nobody doubts that it is bin Laden, who manages global terrorism and who planned and committed terrorist action on 11 September, although almost none of us can translate a single word he said. And although there is no explanation or clarification – not even a small one. How was he actually able to plan 09/11 and defeat U.S. forces, America had convicted him.
Judgement about the greatest crime in the history of America has been made without evidence, testimony, the court or jury. There is nothing to wonder about why the USA consider Osama bin Laden´s death as a significant success. Since the „invincible“ USA was trying to achieve his death nearly for 10 years. I might be too straightforward when I consider detention and following law suit for useless. Let us be honest, at the end he would either ended up dead. Perhaps this quick way of death was better for him than spending weeks in his cell or in courts in front of a jury, trapped like a lion in a cage.
Everybody has to admit that there is at least one positive thing about his death. And that is nothing else than a relief of millions of people, who are now celebrating his death without feeling the guilt.
To sum up, nothing has changed. Until there are people who have a kind of evil inside them there will always exist terrorism and people who are happy for someone´s death. Dalajlama said: “I felt sad when I heard about Osama bin Laden death…”

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