This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

utorok 21. júna 2011


We are daily flooded by many car innovations, which fumes are cleaner than your breath and consumption level lower than a lawn-mower. However, history has a strange sense for irony and the trend of hybrid models is only an old idea that has existed for decades and now has just been cleared from the dust.
There are many reasons why to buy a hybrid car. A few reasonable reasons are: economy, global warming, lack of fuel and others. The brand new hybrid cars are considered as a modern reaction to these problems. This brings me to a question:” Can modern hybrid cars be compared to discovering of new worlds?” It could have seen that yes but the truth is far away from the knowledge of the most people.
Already in 1839 the first electricity powered car was constructed whaich had been invented by Robert Anderson. And it was far longer than Benz constructed his first car. About popularity of an idea of electric cars shows even the fact that in historical documents of the UK there were found documents, that declare about using taxi powered only with a small electro-engine and 28 batteries. But technical problems with batteries and existence of good working combustion engine supplied with cheap gas, stopped the developing of this technology.
The gas was the cheap matter until the 70ties when there was the first oil crisis which led people to think about inexhaustibility of fossil fuels. The first ideas considering hybrid cars were coming mostly from the USA. The General Motors (GM) after spending 20 billion USD on research said final verdict that the introduction of electric cars is not possible sooner than in the half of 80ties. Let´s have a look at the closest history. 90ties were full of big mouthed politics with visionary talks about the greener behaviour to the nature. The first real act which we can take as the revolution in the world of hybrids was Toyota Prius introduced to market in 1997.
In following years came with their own versions of hybrids even other automotive producers like Honda – EV Plus, General Motors – EV1 and S-10 and Toyota again with new model RAV4 EV. But these were only 100 pieces of series solled only in California (USA). In 1999 “hit” American market a double door Honda Insight and finally touches the masses. Since then there have been more successfull hybrids.
There are no doubts that the leading front runner in producing the hybride cars is Toyota with its subsidiary Lexus. Both these automotive companies sold together more than 1.7 million hybrid cars from 1997 till 2009.
That is again the USA which tries to give good model and are lowering their oil dependents imports. The plan is to sell 1 million electricity powered cars to year 2015. And the statistics made by Ministry of energetics proves that it is not an exaggerated ambition.
The path to electric cars will not be easy. There are many obstacles standing in its way. One of the biggest is that the people do not have enough information about electric cars and the new technologies are not introduced to them.

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