This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

pondelok 20. júna 2011

NEW ARTICLE OF THE MEP PETER SLOVAK “The assets of the volunteering tour"

The year 2011 was declared the European Year of Volunteering. The fact that the European Union is interested in voluntary work raised our curiosity in this issue. Our curiosity about voluntary work has become even much stronger by the motion „Get mobilised through voluntary work“ by Adam Kunikowski. We have read many articles about voluntary work and have understood how complex and hard for logistics the voluntary work is.
We were discussing the option of getting more information from the ”first hand” with our colleagues – assistants of the MEP Tomáš Hric. We decided to take part in the volunteering tour that was organized in several Slovak towns by three institutes together: Representation of the European Comission, the Information office of the European Parliament and National Agency IUVENTA during the month of May. So, on 19 May 2011, the assistants of Peter Slovák Michal Adami, Matúš Kotora and assistants of Tomáš Hric Zuzana Demeterová and Monika Škvarková decided to search for some further and practical information about volunteering. Thus in the morning all of us went to Nitra, where in the occasion of the Europe Day was occurring the Volunteering tour.
We saw a very nice programme dedicated to volunteering, some interesting interviews with volunteers. We have heard a few nice speeches of volunteer leaders and even the European Union specialists.
We were very positively affected and surprised by the discussion with the representative of the organization the Red Cross Slovakia intended ambassador of voluntary work. He gave us answers on almost every question we had and after that he had a very touching speech on the podium.

Beside other activities there were also many stands dedicated to volunteering activities and the European Year of Volunteering as Inex, YMCA, and Step forward the Red Cross and many others.
There were even stands of non-profitable organizations that help to drug addicted people by providing them safe injections and tools for jolt. At first we thought that this is not the way we would consider as a good way of help to such people but after the discussion with one of the volunteers from that organization I got the point and admitted it is good for them and even for the whole society.
The assistant of the MEP Peter Slovák - Michal Adami stopped at the stand of the Red Cross volunteering organization and tried one of their activities -to pack the present only with one hand to try how the life of handicapped people is hard. He also had a short walk with his eyes bounded using a Braille stick. These are only a few activities that could have been tried there. The assistants of the MEP Peter Slovak have realized how happy they should be only because of the fact that they are healthy people.
The activities of the volunteering tour had a great impact on peope taking part of the tour and have brought them deeper to understanding of the sense of volunteering and contribution of common people all over the world.

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