This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

utorok 29. marca 2011


Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. That blood can only come from a volunteer donor, a person like me oryou who makes the choice to donate. There is no substitute for your donation. Blood donations help millions of patients in need. To make the journey from “arm to arm,” every unit goes through series of steps and tests to ensure that it is as safe as can be.
When you make a blood donation, you join a very select group. Currently only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood. In Slovakia is the situation a little bit better. Blood donation has a long tradition in Slovakia. From its beginning, the organisation Red Cross has formed a community of service, of generous, strong and decent people bound by beliefs beyond themselves. The Red Cross blood donor embodies this principle.
Benefits of volunteering
• You will feel great knowing you are making a difference.
• You will meet donors and hear why they give blood or how blood transfusions have touched their lives. It may change your own.
• You can do good on your own schedule, volunteer as much as and as often as your schedule permits.
• You will enjoy flexible locations and times.
• You will become part of a 125-year-old tradition of neighbours helping neighbours in need.
We depend on volunteers
Volunteers constitute 96 percent of our total work force to carry on our humanitarian work:
• Every year the Red Cross responds to many disasters—including home fires every day.
• A lot of people turn to us to learn first aid, CPR, swimming, and other health and safety skills. Last year, several hundreds of people volunteered to teach those courses.
• Several volunteers serve as chairs, members of boards of directors, or on advisory boards for local Red Cross units - chapters, Blood Services regions


This was a great idea of the MEP Peter Slovák´s assistants to otganise donation of their and their schoolmates´blood. Ten of them went to the hosptal and they donated the blood. They are sure their blood will save life several people who need it :)

nedeľa 27. marca 2011



THE NEW ARTICLE - "Continuing avalanche of subversions in Africa "

Winds of change - Protests for change have rocked countries across the region of North Africa and the Middle East
Recently there have been a lot of movements in several countries of North Africa and the Middle East oriented on the changes of the regimes of these countries. There were violent clashes in Cairo between opponents and supporters of the president Hosni Mubarak as the Egyptian government rejected international calls for the leader to end his 30-year-rule immediately. Now Egypt has a temporal government and Egyptian people are trying to constitute more democratic government. The similar situation is also in other North African countries.
The political situation has become the most acute in Libya. Libya was one of the poorest countries in the world until the discovery of huge reservoirs of oil and gas resources in 1958 which ejected Lybia ´ s ecomomy by rocket speed. Now Libya belongs to one of the richest states in Africa and it is the 4th biggest supplier of the oil worldwide.
The state establishment in Libya is unique, it is called džamáhíríja from the arabic word „džumhúríja“ what means republic. The creator of this establishment is a Libyan leader Muammar Kaddáfí who insists that džamáhíríja gives power to people and hinders the dictature in the same time. The most of critics say that Libya is in fact a military dictature under Kaddafi ´s command and Džamahíríja is only a fig leaf to cover the rule of one person. Of course, a lot of common people in Libya who think more democratically, call for new leadership and democratic elections.
The uprising began as a series of protests and confrontations on 15 February 2011. Kaddafi responded with military force and other such measures as censorship and blocking of communications. With his soldiers across the country defecting, Kaddafi recruited foreign volunteers to supplement his forces. Furthermore, many executions of mutinying soldiers have been reported. Although Kaddafi offered talks with opposition leaders through a chief envoy, the rebels clarified that they were unwilling to negotiate with him, and demanded his resignation. The conflict has grown to bloody dimension, there have been hundreds of victims so the world leaders from the EU and NATO have started to act.
The world public has two different points of view on these efforts and it is divided into two opposing groups.
The supporters of the international action say it should be the speedy, decisive international action to protect civilians in Libya. They have hailed the UN Council resolution for its affirmation of the international community’s responsibility to protect civilians when they are being attacked by their own government.
On the other hand, there is the second group of the world´s public who thinks that every country has its own way and development. The situation in Libya seems like the civil war which should be solved by Libya itself. These people realize that situation in Libya is critical but every nation has the right for its own history and future. If they do not want help from other countries, it is their decision. Why do allies help to revolutionaries? Who gave them right for that? Can they quarantee that democracy in Libya will work? The most of Lybian nation acts like one corpus these days only because they fight against one man. Normally they are divided into many tribes that cannot cooperate and fight against each other. What if Muammar Kaddáfí is just a shepherd of the horde and without him would Libya affect anarchy?
The intervention has begun – „cards are passed out“ just time will tell, if it was good or bad for Libyan nation...


nedeľa 20. marca 2011


There is written in Bible: Matthew 10:42 - "And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward." And led by this idea the MEP Peter Slovák and his assistants had decided to organize an interesting, humanitarian and helping volunteer activity at their school called THE BRICK FOR AFRICA in the cooperation with the christian association SAVIO. ON 18 March 2011 they were selling plastic bracelets and mobile phone apendages to raise money. The aim of this activity is to raise money for building wells with drinking water in Africa and especially in South Sudan where there is the worst situation with drinking water. Students have raised 63.65€. This amount of the money was sent to the association SAVIO and it will be transfered to Africa to help people who are in need of drinking water.
1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. 1 out of 6 people in this world live without access to clean drinking water. 80% of all diseases like diarrhea, typhoid and parasites are linked to lack of clean drinking water. Lack of clean water has killed more people than the war. Clean drinking water is something we take for granted in the developed world, but in one-sixth of the world's population it is a big problem. Clean drinking water is not just about life or death, it could also affect the ability to earn income or go to school. Many people, especially in Africa, walk hours just to get a couple of gallons of drinkable water, losing countless hours a week they could be going to school or earning income.
In addition, even the water they are able to get may look clean, but have harmful microbes that can cause disease, and even death, especially among young children. And when someone does get sick from unclean drinking water, the sickness reverberates into the entire community. Imagine a 9 year-old child who misses 3 months of school because of contracting dysentary. Or a 24 year-old man, the head of his household, who can't work because of typhoid. This is not to mention all the deaths that occur to due unclean water. Communities in developing countries also tend to be more interdependent than modern societies. As a result, when one person or one family is affected by disease caused by unclean drinking water, it affects the entire community. Additionally, you need clean drinking water for basic sanitation. Imagine a world where you don't have the clean water you need to wash your hands every time you go to the bathroom ... how many times a day is that? Also, imagine not having the clean water you need to wash your dishes after a meal ... how many dishes is that a day? This is not to mention the clean water needed for washing clothes and bathing. And all of these problems will be exponentially increased by the coming climate change that will hurt the world's poor the most, especially in this area of clean water.

NEW ARTICLE - "Even democracy has some unavoidably handicaps..."

The human mankind has had a long history. There were some good and bad historical periods and affairs but we can surely say that each period, even a small fact in the past has had a huge impact on present . The citation by G. Mann „Presence is present only thanks to past“ is really true and it is very important to know past so we can avoid mistakes from past and have better future.
The origin of the idea of the „rightward extremism“ reaches to the year 1889 when Adolf Hitler, coming „führer“ of the Third empire was born. As all of us know, this man caused a lot of pain and death when he was alive and unfortunately, even after his physical death , he is still alive in the minds of thousands of people who believe and continue in his ideas. This group of people is called rightward extremists.
Let´s define what kind of person we can allocate the mark „rightward extremist“. The right determination is very important because in these days people do not see the difference beetwen extreme in meaning of outclassing normal and extremistic. The extreme opinion or fact does not have to be either extremistic. We can basically qualify extremism as a journalistic and politic concept. For extremism we can consider policy and activities outgoing from the ideology against democracy. It is the direct and even indirect aspiration to substitude democracy with the totalitarian regime or dictature. Extremism directly depends on consolidation and condition in community in which makes itself felt. In opinion of some authors extremism is the product of democracy. Because democracy does not have enough effective defensive mechanisms to guard against all what lays in its way. If it has all these mechanisms, it will become the dictature.

We can simply discribe extremism as a verbal, gestured, psyhical or other activities connected to reserved ideology which is developed by individuals or groups of people with opinions remote from generaly accepted social norms - the attitude to evidently elements of intoleration especially racist, national, religion or other intolerance.

In Slovakia we differ two types of subjects belonging to rightward extremist:
The first types are officially registered groups which „on surface“ try to make the feeling like they follow all the laws and are attempting acquire adminicle of public by anti Roma ideas. For example political group Ľudová strana – Naše Slovensko (ĽS – NS) which is in corpore new name for soluted political group Slovenská pospolitosť (SP). This new formed political group placed aside the open manifestation of antisemitism , sympathizes with totalitarianism and using of uniforms.
The second types operating intro rightward extremist are unregistered groupments, without the formal structure and are based on concept leaderless resistance. They are bad organised but they can invoke terror in the streets and public is afraid of them a lot. Their members are often grouped under the fan clubs called ultras. Ultras are ones, who do the noise and make fights and vandalism on sports events, mostly football matches.

Victims of rightward extremists are generally people with different colour of skin,nationality, even a look and people on the edge of the community like homeless people and narcomaniacs. Many times happens that victims are also people who try to defence victims of their attack or do not agree with them. Their characteristic way of attack is the quick aggresion on ascrifice by outnumbering. They frequently use weapons like knives and boxers. Their freetime activities are often bodybuilding or some kind of martial arts.

All in all, rightward extremism was, is and will be a part of every democratic form of government and the only issue is to keep it on nondangerous level and lead next generation to toleration in community.


streda 16. marca 2011


11 March 2011 - this date will remain fear and tears to every inhabitant of Japan for many years. On Saturday 5:31 of local time a big earthquake with the magnitude of 9,0 of the Richter scale hit the area in the Pacific ocean near Northeastern Japanesse coast. After series of earthquakes that were notable even in Tokio tsunami appeared which does not take long to turn up. Tsunami hit Japanesse Norheastern coast including Onamaha city in Fukishima prefecture. The meteorogical agency issued a warning from 8-10 metres high tsunami beforehand, so that most people were evacuated from the hit area just in time. Still not final result of the earthquake and following massive tsunami is 4,300 of dead and counting 11,000 missing. There is the next menace of the nuclear explosion in the Nuclear powerplant Fukushima 4,5,6. The damages of ponderables for Japan can be more than 142 billion euros (€). Yet after 5 days we cannot predict how significant consequences it will have to world economy.

Unentered sources say that this particular series of earthquakes in Japan were predicted by a Russian scientist in 1996 and the goverment of Japan did know about it. The earthquake in Japan has been (magnitude of 9,0 of the Richter scale) one of the strongest earthquakes measured from 1900 worldwide.

Not everybody thinks that this earthquake was natural. There is the theory about „earthquake machine“ called HAARP which is the property of the USA. Some people believe that this earthquake was aimed at the economy of Japan. What is HAARP? Simply and shortly it is about sending millions of wats microwaves to the ionosphere of the atmosphere which is heaten up by this wats and consequently makes an energetic returns which evocates an earthquake. This is only a part of the HAAEP options you can find more about this machine in enclosed video reference

So it is up to you to make the conclusion – Was it a natural disaster or demonstration of power...?


utorok 8. marca 2011


There was one more article in the newspaper, this time locan newspaper "POHRONIE" about our project "EP for YOUth"

pondelok 7. marca 2011


You can read the article about the participation of assistants of the MEP Peter Slovák in the project "EP for YOUth"

streda 2. marca 2011


Roma should enjoy the same rights and opportunities in the EU as anyone else but they also should be as responsible as any other citizen of the EU More than 11 million Roma live in the EU and potential candidate countries in Europe. Roma people living here are EU citizens and have the same rights as any other EU citizen. On the other hand, great number of Roma live in very poor social-economic conditions. They are disproportionally affected by discrimination, violence, unemployment, poverty, bad housing and poor health standards. So, there is the question what the problem consists in, where it is possible to find ways to solve this disproportion. The answer is not easy to find, it is much more complicated than it looks like at a glance.
Firstly, if Europe wants to solve the situation of Roma living in the EU we have to talk about the integration. The integration of Roma in Europe can no longer wait. Leaders of the EU cannot continue to look away from centuries of rejection, deeply rooted prejudice, extreme poverty, unemployment, poor health and education. Contemporary European politicians have a major task ahead, looking away from the unacceptable living conditions of the Roma is contrary to European values and fundamental principles.

Moreover, the social and economic inclusion of Roma is a priority for the EU and needs the commitment and efforts of national and local authorities, civil society and EU institutions. The European Commission is committed to taking the necessary steps to improve the situation of Roma people and their social and economic integration in society. On 7 April 2010 the Commission adopted a Communication on the social and economic integration of Roma in Europe which outlines an ambitious programme to help making policies for Roma inclusion more effective.
However, many Europeans say that Roma are not compatible with modern Europe, that they remain a nomadic people, travelling where they want with their traditions that often clash with the rules that govern civilised societies. Wherever groups of Roma go, they put unecessasry strains on the local economy and are a nuisance to people on the street: they consider begging as a primordial right, stealing is in fact 'sharing,' therefore not an illegal activity but a way to make the rich "share" their wealth with the less fortunate, having children entitles parents to get social aid perpetually while working is out of question for mothers. There is a great challange for Roma to become more adaptable and acceptable for other citizens of the EU.
In eddition to this, as we have mentioned, there should not be any place for discrimination and even positive discrimination - when Roma people are getting extra benefits only because they are Roma. When the state does this positive discrimination, like building free flats for Roma people and not punishing them when they destroy the flats. From our point of view it is a hypocrisy and there should be a change as soon as possible. Because this is „wood to fire“, to anger and hate for a normal working citizen who pays taxes. This is where the racism comes from, this is the thing why people do not like Roma people – positive discrimination

All in all, although the situation of many of Europe's Roma people remains difficult, important progress has been made at EU and national levels. In the last two years, the EU and Member States have focused on adopting non-discrimination laws and making EU funding more effective in promoting Roma inclusion. This includes fighting discrimination, segregation and racist violence as well as supporting programmes to address the vicious circle of poverty, low school achievement and poor housing and health.
We are facing big challenges. The situation will not change overnight and it will take time before we see a real change in the status of Roma people living in the EU. Hopefully, the Hungarian EU presidency will try to be closer to almost twelve million citizens in Europe who are Roma. The goal is simple: Roma should enjoy the same rights and opportunities as anyone else. Roma are not different from anyone else. They should also try to behave as a part of modern Europe, try to do their best, try not to misuse the help and the given benfits but offer everything what can Europe and all its citizens enrich.
