This blog is dedicated to all people who are interested in work of virtual MEP Peter Slovak who is a member of the international game ""EP for YOUth".

pondelok 25. apríla 2011


THE ASSISTANTS OF THE MEP decided to help children in the town Levice and organize the collection of toys and books for the children who come from poor families or live in orphanages.
They collected a big amount of toys and books and speread happines among these children and made them happy :)


The Earth Day
In 1963, former Senator of the USA Gaylord Nelson began to worry about our planet. He wondered why more people weren't trying to solve these problems. He talked to other lawmakers and to the President. They decided that the President would go around the country and tell people about these concerns. He did, but still not enough people were working on the problem. Then, in 1969, Senator Nelson had another idea. He decided to have a special day to teach everyone about the things that needed changing in our environment. He wrote letters to all of the colleges and put a special article in Scholastic Magazine to tell them about the special day he had planned.
Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment,it was first held on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on the United States, it became international in 1990 and there were organized events in 141 nations. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues.
People all over the world make promises to help the environment. Everyone got involved and since then, Earth Day has spread all over the planet. People all over the world know that there are problems we need to work on and this is our special day to look at the planet and see what needs changing. Isn't it great?
One person had an idea and kept working until everyone began working together to solve it. See what happens when people care about our world – our planet will be greener and also healthier. A Levice organized on Earth Day ssistants of the MEP Peter Slovák – Michal Adami and Matúš Kotora organized interesting activities for pupils of 4th Elementary school in their home town Levice. There were a lot of various and interesting activities organized for these children.
The pupils were doing activities to clean their environment, they were picking the litter around their school and surroundings, they were learning about separating and reusing the litter, they learnt about the recycling process and much more. They learnt a lot of new information about our planet, fauna, flora, environment issues and what kills our nature. There were a lot of competitions and knowledge quizes organized for pupils, children were painting environmental pictures on the pavements.
Both assistants of the MEP Peter Slovák and Elementary school pupils were glad to organize this great event and it is sure they did something good for their planet, environment they live in. They made first steps to help our planet to become healthier.


The best things in life are free…
Who pleasure gives, shall joy receive…
Think about being a volunteer! There are several definitions of volunteering and a volunteer itself. Generaly a volunteer (latin - voluntarious – willing) is a person who invests his free time, energy, knowledge and abilities to do some kind of activity without being paid for it. Reward for volunteering is spiritual, what means that a volunteer gets the character and professional growth, good feelings, sometimes new friendships and life experiences.
You can be a volunteer almost everywhere, you can help people in your neighbourhood, the area where you live or work, anywhere. For example, you can help your sick neighbour with shopping, tidying up in front of your flat, house or in the park. Everybody has abilities and energy to do some kind of voluntary activity. It depends only on how willing and able the person is to do a certain service.
Another way of voluntary activities are organized by the non-governmental, public and non- profitable organizations or schools and churches. So that we can divide volunteering into severel categories:
• Volutary activities: various irregular activities of people for various organizations based on verbal agreement.
• Voluntary services: activities with clear time bounds, aim, content, tasks, legislation and social protection based on verbal or written agreement.
• Voluntary self-help: mutual help beetwen neighbours, group of children and youth and interest groups that is based on reciprocal agreement out of the organization.
Voluntary organizations are organizations that are based on voluntary work and cannot operate without volunterees. Voluntary organizations engage various types of areas of voluntering according to aimed groups for example: social culture, ecology tasks and so on. Then they are devided according to local, regional, national and worldwide level and according to time of the activity it could be one-shot, regular longterm or occasional co-operation. Based on the aimed group and area of work they make conditions and rules collaborating with volunteers. Altogether they organize volunteersthemselves and thein activities. The perfect example of voluntary organization is GREENPEACE.
There are barriers of volunteering. Voluntary work and activities are still realized by our public as something special. The main barrier of developing the voluntary work is passivity during searching and gaining volunteers. Some other barriers are:
bad or not sufficient organization of volunteers, no demand for volunteers, concerns from injury, load pattern and much more..
And what supports volunteers? There are a lot of supporting moments:
• They have feeling that they are evaluating
• They have hope for a change and progress
• They gain appreciation from public either personally
• They realize that they help mean something
• They have feeling of fellowship and teamwork

• And much more...
In these times of wars,world hunger,natural disasters etc. necessity for voluntary work is much more noticable than in the past. This is what the EU realizes and set the year 2011 as the European Year of Volunteering. The EU is trying to mobilize people by doing campaigns which inform how to become a volunteer and what advangates the status of the volunteer has. If you are able and have a chance to do some voluntary work – try it. You will see that even the good feeling of helping someone is worth it! The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.